Codesign o participatory design

El co-diseño, llamado también diseño participativo, es un enfoque en el cual el proceso de diseño involucra a todas las partes interesadas (socios, clientes, ciudadanos, usuarios finales), con el fin de asegurar que el resultado cumpla su necesidades. El término se utiliza en diferentes áreas del diseño; por ejemplo, en software, diseño urbano, arquitectura, paisajismo y diseño de productos. Fuad-Luke define el co-diseño de la siguiente manera:

Co-design is not a single procedure or ingredient. It is a commitment regarding power and inclusion. Co-design involves mutual learning in a multi-stakeholder environment. Co-design invokes many of the characteristics of soft system methodologies, as described in Broadbent (2003):
• being a holistic, intuitive, descriptive, experiential and empirical, pragmatic and wisdom/values-based approach;
• being an iterative, non-linear, interactive process;
• being ‘action-based’ research;
• involving ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ approaches;
• simulating the real world;
• being useful for complex systems or problems;
• being situation driven, especially by common human situations; satisfying pluralistic outcomes;
• being internalized by the system.
• The more commercially oriented aspects of co-design are also manifest in a variety of user- centred or user-innovation design approaches, although the main goal is the production of profitable, rather than sustainable, goods and services. 1

A. Fuad-Luke